Original Critical Essays
In our project we, as individuals, wrote our own Critical Essays; Simone Oliver wrote an essay entitled: The Corruption of Innocence as Communicated through Benjamin Britten’s opera: The Turn of the Screw, Ashleigh Ray wrote a paper entitled: Let's Talk About Sex, Savannah Layfield wrote an essay entitled: Turning Screws, Emily Sherman wrote an essay entitled: Victorian Gender Roles in Henry James's 'The Turn of the Screw', Amber Randolph wrote an essay entitled Modern Oppression in an Victorian Setting: An Analysis on Methods of Emotional Separation in The Turn of the Screw, and Jemima Varughese wrote an essay entitled:
Nested: Exploring the mysteries in Henry
James’s ‘The Turn of the Screw’. We hope you enjoy the multitude of perspectives offered in the Original Critical Essays section.