Critical Summaries of Selected Articles:
Reading other authors' critical essays of the work can help the reader have a deeper understanding of the text. Below are some of our summarized criticisms for your convenience.
The Author of Our Woe: Virtue Recorded in 'The Turn of the Screw'
'He took no notice of her; he looked at me’: Subjectivities and Sexualities of 'The Turn of the Screw'
In Sexual Hysteria, Physiognomical Bogeymen, and the "Ghosts" in The Turn of the Screw
Another Turn on James's 'The Turn of the Screw'
Psychical Research and ‘The Turn of the Screw'
“Through the Cracked and Fragmented self”: William James and The Turn of the Screw
The Author of Our Woe: Virtue Recorded in 'The Turn of the Screw'
'He took no notice of her; he looked at me’: Subjectivities and Sexualities of 'The Turn of the Screw'
In Sexual Hysteria, Physiognomical Bogeymen, and the "Ghosts" in The Turn of the Screw
Another Turn on James's 'The Turn of the Screw'
Psychical Research and ‘The Turn of the Screw'
“Through the Cracked and Fragmented self”: William James and The Turn of the Screw